To say helloooooo & give my Top 5!
#1. 12 Days until schools out!

~When I googled searched school's out, this is the image that popped up. Oh yeah, I want to be driving this bus on June 10th!
This is my last year at the school I've been working at for five years. I teach the same students each year and I've had my 6th graders since they were in 2nd grade. I've watched them grow up and mature. Just yesterday I was telling one of my students, "I remember when you were little you would cry when you didn't get the answer right." My prayer is that I made a positive impact on their lives and they'll at least remember one thing I taught them. At 6th grade graduation I'll be the blubbery mess on isle three taking pictures of my daughter & my school kids.
#2. WSSC
~6 days until I jet off to the Miami coast line. I get to eat, drink, & spin with my friends for 4 days. I look forward to this trip each year and this year I'm even more excited. Instead of turning my boo-tay into hamburger helper, I decided to mix it up. I've signed up to listen to more lectures, learn bike repair, & even a kettlebell workshop. I'll still come back with a sore boo-tay, but that's ok, that bootay is going to look great in my new bathing suit.
#3. FOXy People
-Living in the Hampton Roads area you meet tons of people in the military. I get attached to them and then they leave me and go to another destination. I told John once, "If I meet another chick that is in the military, we-aint-gonna-be-friends!" Well I broke my vow and met a couple that I adore!!!!! We're like peas & carrots. I got the sad news that they'll be heading to California in July. The difference between other friends that have moved away and them, is that with these guys will be my friends for life. I love you Kelly & Chris!
"Bring on the tattoo gun!"
#4. Unexpected Surprises
-I received these flowers this week from someone that I never would have expected them from.
I've had a student in my class for two years and it's been a bumpy road. The two years have been up and down with letters, phone calls, & conferences and I often wonder if the parents know how much I care for their children and want the very best for them.
I'm heading up to my room, I turn the corner and mom hands me this beautiful bouquet of flowers and says, "thank you for everything you've done." Wow, it made my whole week. It's times like these that I've been blessed with my teaching job.
#5. Adding More Names To My Summer Challenge List
Kathy-working out
Jennifer-Breezy Point Triathlon
Joe-Get under 240# & 50 situps a day
Chrissy-do a 1 hour spin class
Emanyel-work out & be healthy
Darcus-run outside for 3 miles
Eunice-no sugar for 3 months & run 3x a week
Christina-CHKD 8k
Katrina-EVMS Trauma 8k
-This list is up to 27 people now. The prizes start on June 1st. My goal is to inspire and motivate so they achieve a healthy lifestyle.
Now let me check in with all my blogging peeps!
I've learned through the years that sometimes people ARE really listening, we just can't hear them listening- especially when it comes to parents AND kids.
It makes the flowers extra special I'm sure.
Sounds like an incredible school. I can't imagine what it must be like to get to know students that well. I cried when I left my school last year and I had only been there two years with two different groups of students.
I am sure you have touched each and every one of your students hearts!
Lovely flowers! I'm sure ALL of your students and their families are grateful to you (or will be when they grow a little more-- sometimes it takes time, y'know). Enjoy your last few days before you take off in your cool bus :)
That's cool that you've been able to work with the same group of kids for so many years in a row! So, what's in store for you after this school year?
"My prayer is that I made a positive impact on their lives and they'll at least remember one thing I taught them"
I'm sure you have. Absolutely sure of it.
(That would be my hope as well, if I were teaching, and a similar quote almost pushed me to becoming a teacher)
Having friends in the military is kind of like bloggy friends, just not virtual. Eventually, you end up with friends all over the world :-)
Everyone knows that when I send flowers, they are always in a classic "n*ts@ck" arrangement.
Ian's school just had his class's recorder recital and I'm such a big p*ssy that I get misty-eyed at these things and I remembered the first time - when Ian was in first grade - that the kids did a program and part of it was a slide show with this really cheesy sentimental song and the kids were all up there forming the letters of the alphabet and Ian was there with a big grin all alone forming the letter "I" and sister I just LOST it! We asked the teacher to send us that slide but she never did.
And now he's in third grade. Man, I just might get myself started thinking about this too much.
My mother was a public school teacher in the Philadelphia school system for 25+ years so I know you people have a GREAT impact on kids' lives!
Maybe I wiil send you flowers, sister!
Wow - you're doing great with getting folks motivated for your summer challenge!
Have a blast in Miami! What a time, that place is wicked crazy. At least you'll be able to sweat out all the alcohol. The room will smell like one big martini;)
God Bless a teacher. How they do it, I will never know. You don't think they were listening, but they were!
I can tell what an awesome teacher you are, both at the elementary school and in your spin classes. Enjoy Miami and if there's a good thing about having friends move away, I think it's having an excuse to go to visit them :-)
You've got many gifts my friend :) An awesome teacher (of many kinds!) and a great heart.
Have a super weekend!!
I still remember by awesome teachers from back in the day. I'm sure your kids will remember you too. :o)
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