Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Smile it's Hump Day!

Come take my spin class & hire me as your trainer and you too could look like this!
Gabrielle your heart out! (oh wait, isn't that......)

Thanks to his magic wand,  "G" made all my dreams come true!


Missy said...

Baaahahahaha, love that picture.

JayRo said...

wow, you're hot.

Glaven Q. Heisenberg said...

O, baby! Seeing that picture again, you can bet my hand is on my "magic wand" right now!

Marcy said...

LMAO! Looovveee it baby!

tfh said...

Hey, that's how I imagine you when I read about your workouts!

Nikemom said...

You be smokin' girlfriend! :D

RunToTheFinish said...

hey who gave you my picture? wait... ok fine not yet

Kevin said...

Your spin class peeps must have a hard time paying attention

billpierce said...

Gabbie -

Can you do the same trick pasting your head on the body of somone kneeling on a stability ball? Cuz that's the only way we're ever gonna see it.