I love the weather around here lately, a lovely 64 degrees for my 8 mile run. The clicking started just a little towards the end. I think I was getting tired and wasn't focusing on my form. The strap is definitely helping with the tracking. I iced it when I got home, and then stretched at the gym. I'm ready for the 9 and I'm 5 weeks away from 13.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Beach to Battleship Part 3
Posted by Shannon at 6:38 AM 2 comments
Labels: B2B-3
Thursday, September 25, 2008
I can't get this song out of my head!~Zero 7 Destiny~
Do you Digg?
Posted by Shannon at 4:37 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Simply Delicious
Posted by Shannon at 7:22 AM 2 comments
Labels: Peanut Butter/Banana Smoothie
Monday, September 22, 2008
Walk the Plank baby!

- Start with resting on the forearms and up on your toes.
- Keep your back neutral (straight), not letting it sag down. Try this next to a mirror, so you can see your form.
- Your head is in a neutral position and you should be looking at the floor.
- Hold in your abdominal muscles but, DON'T HOLD YOUR BREATH! Breathing and holding your abs at the same time.
- Hold this position for 30 seconds and over time working your way up to :45, 1:00, & 2:00.
- Do about 2-3 sets of these
- Start in the forearm/toes position.
- Slowly raise one leg 5 inches off the floor.
- Be sure not to leg your back fall out of neutral position.
- You could switch legs halfway through the set.
Posted by Shannon at 4:52 PM 3 comments
Labels: Planks
Beach 2 Battleship Part 2
Last Wednesday was my first training run. It was a nice 73 degree day and I was supposed to run a "comfortable" 7. Well I ran 7 and walked an additional mile. The time I was running I noticed the "clicking" in my left knee but no soreness. When I walked the final 8th mile I noticed more clicking and soreness behind the kneecap. It wasn't so bad that I had to stop, but noticed I was nursing the left leg and my gait was changing at bit. My running aficionado BP said this, "I'd suggest getting the knee band ASAP. Why wait? In a past season, when I
felt pain on the outside of my knee cap, I purchased a knee band and it
worked magically. I was amazed. Also, I'm sure that you know Runner's Knee
is a symptom of tight IT bands. Find a foam roller near your stability ball
in the gym and roll that tight ITB over it. Also, make sure that you're
icing the outside of the knee after every run. Freeze a Dixie cup filled
with water, tear off the paper on top and then rub it on the knee.
I'd suggest that you do tempo runs versus intervals. Your goal is to run
13.1 miles relatively fast. Intervals will help you build speed but tempo
runs will help you run fairly fast for a long time, which is what the race
is about."
Posted by Shannon at 6:33 AM 5 comments
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Beck- Girl
Beck- Girl
Video sent by shades2006
I love this song! When I'm having a hard time on a run, I hit the repeat on this track and this keeps me on pace!
Add it to your I-Pod....
Posted by Shannon at 11:49 AM 1 comments
Labels: Beck-Girl
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Try this!
I love this smoothie lately, give it a try!
Posted by Shannon at 8:01 AM 5 comments
Labels: Pineapple Smoothie
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Beach 2 Battleship Part 1
Now that Patriots is done, I'm on to the next race. A triathlete buddy at the Y approached me and asked me to participate in a 1/2 Iron relay. What do you think the first thing out of my mouth was? "Well if I do it, I'm not doing the swim leg!" I told her I would do the bike leg but she had told someone else they could do that, so I'm doing the 13.1 run. (smiles)
Posted by Shannon at 8:40 AM 6 comments
Labels: B2B-1
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Fatherhood Involvement- Cheerleader
Fatherhood Involvement- Cheerleader
Video sent by AdCouncil
I absolutely love this!
Do you digg it?
Posted by Shannon at 5:18 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
~Out & Back Ride~
Hey Peeps...this was a HUGE hit on Monday night. I have been on a kick with theme ride music lately. I did 70's, 80's, and now Movie and TV music. I had a full class and tons of people were having fun guessing where the tracks came from. Enjoy...
Out & Back Ride 45 min. Movie & TV
WU-“Hawaii 5-0” {5:20}
-moderate gear
-a couple of pickups
-SC-add every minute
-@4:00 check cadence
-STC-until end of song-add pickups throughout
Jumps on a hill-“The Unit theme song” {3:00}
-Hold Gear
-Cue Form
Rolling Hills-“Dragula” Matrix {4:30}
-:30 unload to valley-moderate gear
-:30 Load heavy resistance STC
-:30 unload
-1:00 load heavy SC
-:30 unload
-1:00 STC-Run to top……:30…
Rolling Hills-“Waterloo” The Bourne Ultimatum {10:00}
-Downhill-1:30-moderate gear-working recovery
-1:00 load to heavy resistance SC
-:30 unload to valley-moderate
-:30 load to heavy-STC
-:30 unload……
Seated Climb
-load resistance every :30 {2:00}
-cadence check
Jumps on a Hill{3:30}
-Hold Gear
-Cue Form
Seated/Standing Climb “James Bond” {5:00}
-add resistance –challenging-STC 2:00
-SC for the remander-add some pickups throughout the last part of the climb
Flat Road-“Wonder Woman”
Cool Down-“How Deep Is Your Love”
~Hawaii 5-0 Remix
~Pirates of the Caribbean (8min. version)
~"The Unit" Theme Song- About Face vs DJ Z-Trip - Walking Dead (ft. Chester Bennington)
~Dragula Remix-Rob Zombie
~Waterloo-John Powell the Bourne Ultimatum
~James Bond Theme (Voight Kampff) Remix
~Wonder Woman remix-TV Theme Songs
~How Deep Is Your Love-The Bird and the Bee (I love their sound!)
Now for the next theme ride.....maybe I'll do farm animals, lipstick, or STP oil.
What do you think?
Posted by Shannon at 7:35 AM 4 comments
Labels: Out and Back
Monday, September 8, 2008
Patriots International...uh...er Triathlon?
Posted by Shannon at 8:35 PM 7 comments
Labels: Patriots International Triathlon
Friday, September 5, 2008
Hanna, that female dog?!?
There will be no packet pick up on Saturday, there will be packet pick up from 6AM to 8AM on race morning.
There will be no refunds or credits given for Sundays event.
Posted by Shannon at 5:39 PM 6 comments
Labels: Hurricane Hannah?
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Beatbox Fame Game
Beatbox Fame Game
Video sent by loranger
A successful beatbox how-to by Maïté ;)
From http://www.thefamegame.com/viral/kitchen_diaries/
Posted by Shannon at 4:52 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Hold off Hanna.....
Posted by Shannon at 10:02 AM 2 comments
Labels: Tropical Storm Hannah