John and I have been setting up little surprises for each other lately. His was a Smith Mountain Lake retreat. It was memorable to say the least. Well it was my turn to give the hubby a little surprise. I talked about "the surprise" all last week, really hyping it up, but secretly realizing it would never match up with the SML retreat. Well on Saturday night, we sit down to a lovely evening of Fox News, homemade buffalo wings, & "the surprise". I gave him a lovely card, saying.......(I'm not telling ya'll everything)........and a entry to the Shamrock 1/2 marathon! The gift that keeps on giving, or something like that. Isn't a running entry what every man wants from his wife? He was a sport, "Gee, Honey, Thanks."
Friday Funny 2417: Fitness Funnies
1 day ago
Yes. I am excited to run my 1st race. Can't wait to train, sweat, be sore, and recover...just to do it all over again in the next couple of days!
Gee Honey Thanks!
Just listened to want I wanted to do, and I was inspired, as I always am, by your recent Patriot Triathlon.
you guys are just too cute!! although if it were me, I'd CERTAINLY take a SML getaway over a sweaty, blister-induing, exhausting run. Good grief. Looking forward to seein' ya again, soon, I hope!!
Wow! Whats for Christmas. electroshock treatment!?! lol That's great.
Is is just me, or is it weird when a husband is posting on his wife's blog? Maybe that's the secret to a happy marriage...surprising and blogging each other.
anonymous?!? sure.......
How rude of that anonymous person to post what they did. The nerve of some people. Anyway, I'm just checking in to offer John the same phenomenal coaching that his wife has been receiving when he starts training for the Shamrock 1/2. You can see how well I'm doing by looking at your wife's heels. Since you two may not talk, perhaps she can e-mail you with my contact information or just post it on your blog.
Sweet! What an awesome surprise! What else could a guy want! :-)
I'm liking the idea about gifts for "no reason at all".... hmmmmm
I need to make a few deposits in the love bank..
If John can sit through Fox News he can definitely run a 1/2 marathon.
SM~you secretly TIVO the Fox News and you know it.
No Cable, No Fox News (and well, a bunch of other channels I don't get).
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