I've had a lot of people ask me recently, "what's next for you Shannon?" Most people know that I'm a goal oriented individual, always have been. When I completed Ironman it was on the tail end of a very tumultuous year. The training was at times my best friend and my worst enemy. One thing that can be said about Ironman training is that it's very hard and you have to stay focused on the goals and tasks at hand. This is what kept me grounded many times throughout the process. My next goals are to run the Nike Women's Marathon in October and chillax....
What Are Your Goals?
Several of my clients are doing things that have brought them out of their comfort zone. They are trying something new for the first time or are staying motivated throughout the summer when people seem to drop the ball on personal health and fitness goals.
Let me brag on them a bit....I have two clients who are running the Rock and Roll Half Marathon. I have another client that just signed up for her 1st Half Marathon in Myrtle Beach. Two clients have entered their first sprint triathlon. Another client is doing the New York City Marathon in the fall and a new client hired me to help him build his base so he can compete in his first sprint triathlon next year at the young age of 60. So proud of you guys!!!!
Are you tired of what you are currently doing? Find a way to jazz it up. Are you bored? Are you unmotivated? Set a new goal, do something you've always wanted to try. I think setting goals are important and then reanalyzing them. Whatever the goals are, weight loss, lifting weights, running, entering a race, or being active, it's important to set them and KEEP them. Why not take a look at some things you would like to achieve as we get closer to fall and the kids get back into school. I can help you, email me!
Share your goals, they inspire and motivate others!
It is amazing that you're not satisfied with the IM, and I mean that in a good way. You could consider that "it" in terms of fitness and personal goals, but you are not satisfied and so soon after are already saying "what next, bring it on, baby!" I love that!
Just trying to get back out on the bike and get my speed & distance back!
My goal is getting the chance to give you a HUGE HUG in October when you come for the Nike Marathon!
Setting goals and following through to achieve them are two totally different things requiring very different effort levels. You are definitely a good example at striving to do both!
Setting goals and following through to achieve them are two totally different things requiring very different effort levels. You are definitely a good example at striving to do both!
I would love to be able to run a 5k...can you help me. Pleeeese.
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